Art in Motion
These online movement and writing explorations are a safe space and an opportunity for body sensations, e-motions, words, stories, beliefs and inspirations to emerge.
You don’t have to be a dancer or a writer.
We begin with movement, then we pick up the pen and write from the heart.
We dig into the ground of our inner soulscape.
We call back what we have sent to exile, with compassion for the wonky,
and love to the messy. We don’t judge, we face our judgements.
We dive into the source of our own creativity with humbleness and compassion.
We make the invisible visible.
authentic body poetry ritual
a weekly online inner space retreat (6 sessions)
held by Villy Tichkova & Anaïs Tamen
Open to all body-souls who enjoy exploring movement and words.
No pre-requisite
Come if you would like to
To dance, to write, to draw
To feel your heart beat
To explore your masks
To nourish loving kindness,
and a sense of joy and ease in the different layers of your being
For registration or if you have any question, please email us :
Villy vtich@icloud.com and/or Anais anais@anaistamen.com
About Anais:
Anaïs is a shape shifter, a dreamer, who loves to explore the space in between realms. A playful lover of wilderness, birds, trees, the invisible & the unnamed. A vigil and tender of heart-soul subtleties & feral expressions.
Anaïs holds space for movement explorations since 2007, in nature, online, in closed spaces, for deep-diving dance ceremonies.
Looking forward to dancing & exploring with you !

Art in Motion
What happens: we move, we write, we give form to the invisible, we shape-shift.
Where does it happen: on zoom, I play music, you dance at home, we come to the screen and write.
Who with: a group of maximum 9 people who like to create space for their authenticity, writers who seek inspiration, dancers who love to write, and anyone willing to show up.
What supports us: The Open Floor map, the music, and the love for being true to ourselves.
"I would highly recommend this experience with Villy..she brings her love of music, movement and the written word together and offers such rich poetic space to explore and to touch in on this miracle we all live..
What stayed with me is the particular magic and texture of each voice, the intimacy and beauty that was created, the deep listening..the echoes..
Really rich and gently healing"
Jo K.
"Thank you for your deep, beautifully build classes. I accessed parts of me that had never had a voice before."
Tamara L.
authentic body poetry ritual
January: 15th, 22th, 29th
February :12th, 19th, 26th
Online 9.30-11.00 GMT (UK/PT)
You can check your local time here : Time Zone Converter
Energy Exchange for Ongoing Groups*
Rebalancing rate: 120 euro
Sustainable rate: 90 euro
Access rate: 60 euro
*Please contact us if you need clarity or assistance. couple of concessions are available on bases of first come first served.